The membership
shall be from May 1 of one year to April 30 of the following year. New members joining
between May 1 and October 31 of the current year will pay full price. New
members joining between November 1 and April 30 will pay $30.00 (US & Canadian) $35.00 for Over Seas to join which includes the Genetic Chart and New Breeder CD.
New Members: This includes the Genetic Chart and the New Breeder
If paying between May 1 and October 31 your dues are:
$40.00* (US and Canadians) ($50.00 family membership)
$50.00* (Overseas) ($60.00 family membership)
(Canadian and International must be paid via International money orders or via
paypal in US funds only)
If paying between November 1 and April 30 your dues are:
$30.00 (US and Canada) ($40.00 Family membership)
$40.00 (Overseas) ($50.00 Family membership)
This includes the Genetic Chart and the New Breeder CD.
Address: _________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________ State/Province: __________________________________ Country: _________________________________________ Zip/Postal Code: _________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________ Cattery Name: ____________________________________ E-Mail Address: __________________________________ URL To Your Homepage: ____________________________ By checking this box you agree that you have read and will abide by the RFCI bylaws and the Code of Conduct.
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