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Cat Fanciers Federation

Point Distribution
Item Points
Head 20
Ears 5
Eyes 5
Body 20
Tail 5
Legs and Feet 10
Coat 5
Color 10
Pattern 10
Condition 10
GENERAL: The Ragdoll is a large-boned cat that ranges from medium to large in size with a long body, It gives the appearance of power. In appearance, the Ragdoll is a well-balanced cat with'no one feature overpowering another. Females may be slightly smaller than males. Whole cats may carry less weight than altered cats.

HEAD: The head is a medium-sized, broad modified wedge with a flat plane between the ears. The muzzle is round, medium in length, with a well-developed chin. In profile, the nose must have a slight indentation that comes down from the forehead between the eyes and ending in a straight medium length nose. Allowance should be made for stud jowls in the adult males.

EARS: The ears are of medium size and slant slightly forward.

EYES: The eyes must be blue, large and oval. The outer aperture should fall in line with the outer base of the ear. Deeper shades of blue are preferred and allowance should be made for lighter shades in the dilute colors.

BODY: The body is to be long with a full chest and equally massive across the shoulders and hind quarters. The body is muscular and heavy with a tendency for a "fatty pad" on the lower lower abdomen. Allowance should be made for slow maturation which is approximately two (2) years.

LEGS & FEET: The legs are medium to long with heavy bones. The back legs are to be slightly higher than the front. The feet are large and round with tufts of fur between the toes.

TAIL: The tail is long and approximately the length of body. It is medium at the base with a slight taper toward the tip and is full and plumed.

COAT: The coat varies from medium to long in length and is plushy. The coat lies with the body and breaks as the cat moves. The coat is long around the neck and outer edge of the face with the appearance of a bib and should be short on the face. The fur on the back legs is medium to long, thick and feather-like. No wooly undercoat is allowed.

COLOR: There is a definite contrast between body and points. Allowance is to be made for deeper shading in older cats over the shoulders and hindquarters. The full color in a Ragdoll is not obtained until they are two (2) years of age. See color descriptions in Appendix (Pointed colors, solid points). Blue, chocolate, lilac, seal. PATTERN: See pattern descriptions at the end of this standard.

CONDITION: The cat must be healthy, appear alert, and be well-presented as far as cleanliness of the overall cat, and be well-groomed.

ALLOWANCES: For shorter coats, shading on underbelly of colorpoint and mitted patterns on kittens and cats under one (1) year of age.

PENALTIES: For muzzle pinch. Front and back legs of equal height. Round or oriental eyes.

WITHHOLD WINS: Eye color other than blue. Short or upturned nose. Roman nose.

PATTERNS: Colorpoint, Colorpoint Bi-Color and Colorpoint Mitted (NO MITTED BI-COLORS ALLOWED)


COLORPOINT: Body should be softly shaded in the areas of the shoulders and haunches. The points (ears, mask, legs, feet and tail) must be darker than the body color and well-defined. The chest, bib and chin may be slightly lighter than body color. Soft color shading is allowed on underbelly.
Withhold wins: If there is white anywhere on the cat.

COLORPOINT BI-COLOR: The points (ears, mask and tail) are to be well-defined and the mask is to have a white inverted "V". The stomach, ruff, chin and legs are to be white. The body color or point color on the front or back of legs is acceptable. The body color must be lighter than the points and may have various niarkings of white and color patches. Nose leather is to be pink.
Paw Pads: Pink paw pads are preferred, but pink mottled with point color is acceptable.

Penalize: Color patch on white designated color area. White blaze running above the inverted "V". Lack of a point at the top of the "V".

Withhold wins: Any nose color other than pink. White on ears or-tail. Point color spotting in white areas of mask (muzzle).

COLORPOINT MITTED: Body should be softly shaded and the points (ears, mask, legs {except feet}, and tail) must be darker than the body and well-defined. A solid or broken blaze on the nose and between the eyes is acceptable. The chin and bib must be white. A white stripe of varying width may extend from the chin to the underside of the body and may be interrupted by patches of point color. The white stripe might not be visible in cats under I year of age. Ideally, the front feet should have white nlittens evenly matched with scalloping or peaking allowed. The highest allowable mitten is no more than 1/2 inch above the ankle break. Back boots are to be white extending no higher than the top of the hock and no lower than mid-hock. When boots reach the top of the hock, the point color is not visible as it is overlaid with white. Nose leather must match the point color.
Paw Pads: Pink paw pads are preferred, but pink mottled with point color is acceptable.

Penalize: Point color spotting in boots. White runners up underside of front legs; absence of a white solid or broken line on underbelly of cats over one (1) year of age.

Withhold wins: Lack of a white chin. White on cats or tail. Point color spotting in mittens.

Revised May 1997

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Genetics: Controlling White by Isabelle Bellavance | Color Chart by Richard Kauffman | Red Color Chart | TICA Genetic Registration Code Chart

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