
RFCI Scoring & Competition Rules

Any RFCI exhibitor who owns a Ragdoll in any combination of excepted patterns/colors and whose cat is registered in any association within the cat fancy shall be qualified to compete for the RFCI plaques and rosettes.

The exhibitor must be a paid up member of RFCI as of at least 30 days before the first show that is scored for that member.

During a show season, a cat owned by one exhibitor cannot transfer its points won to a new owner. During a show season, a cat judged in one color classification cannot transfer points earned if that cat is reclassified to a new color.

Points accumulated in a show season must be forwarded to the Show Statistician within 30 days of the show date by RFCI e-mail, or s-mail. NO scores will be credited later than TWO weeks after the close of the show season.

Winners of the top Whole Cat and Top Alter awards in one show season shall be ineligible to compete for the top awards in the following season with the same cat. After one year of ineligibility the same cat shall be eligible for the top awards. An exception would be if the cat is transferred to a new owner.

Whole cats and Alters will be scored on the top 50 rings submitted for scoring. There will be no minimum number of rings required to compete.

Kittens will be scored on the top 30 rings submitted for scoring. There will be no minimum number of rings required to compete.

Link for Official RFCI Online Score Sheet

Link for RFCI Printable Scoring Sheet


The Top Whole Cat, the Top Alter Cat and the Top Kitten will each receive a plaque. All Top 10 winners in each category will receive rosettes with name plaques on them. Rosettes will be awarded to 11 – 20 place depending on how many entries we get. Here is how many cats we need in each category and what places they will cover.

11th & 12th place for 21-25 cats
13th & 14th place for 26-30 cats
15th & 16th place for 31-35 cats
17th & 18th place for 36-40 cats
19th & 20th place for 41 and over

Example: If there are 58 cats who have scores sent in then there will be awards given to the top 20.
If there are 32 kittens who have scores sent in then there will be awards given to the top 16 kittens.
If there are 15 alters who have scores sent in then there will be awards given to the top 10 alters.


Large CFA shows may give finals to as many as 15 cats in a ring, any final between 10th and 15th place shall have the same number of points given to 10th place in both AB and SP.

CFA’s (and other organizations that score similarly) finals towards grand points will also count. Only the highest final will count. For example if you got a Best LH and then moved onto a Best AB for points, only the Best AB final will count. Because Championship cats are not going against all of the cats (for example, Grands) points will be given as follows:

CFA Specialty Ring for Grand Points (you must put placement and then LH in the finals column for example 3LH for 3rd best LH, 3AB for 3rd best AB):

1st = 25pts

2nd = 20pts

3rd = 15pts

CFA AB Ring for Grand Points

1st = 50 pts

2nd = 40pts

3rd = 30 pts

If you then got into the top 1-15 final, only the top final pts will count and the points will be the same as the regular finals (1-15). Bonus points for a large number of cats will count in the top 10 final placements only.

BEST OF BREED POINTS will be given for the top 4 places, and will be as follows:

BOB 50 points – 2nd BOB 45 points – 3rd BOB 40 – 4th BOB 35 points.
If only the top 3 Best of Breed are awarded at a show, then any cat not in the top 3, will receive the points for 4th place.
If only the top 2 Best of Breed are awarded at a show, then any cat not in the top 2 shall receive points for 3rd place.

Points for finals:

ALL BREED POINTS (1-40 cats entered)
1st – 100 pts
2nd – 90 pts
3rd – 80 pts
4th – 70 pts
5th – 60 pts
6th – 50 pts
7th – 40 pts
8th – 30 pts
9th – 20 pts
10th (to 15th) – 10 pts

SPECIALTY POINTS (1-25 cats entered)
1st – 50 pts
2nd – 45 pts
3rd – 40 pts
4th – 35 pts
5th – 30 pts
6th – 25 pts
7th – 20 pts
8th – 15 pts
9th – 10 pts
10th – 5 pts

Bonus Points for finals in rings that have more than the usual number of cats.

ALL BREED BOUNS POINTS (# Of Cats – Bonus points)
41-55 – 5 pts
56-70 – 15 pts
71-85 – 30 pts
86 – 101 – 45 pts
102-117 – 60 pts
118-132 – 75 pts
133-148 – 90 pts
149-164 – 105 pts
165-180 – 120 pts
180-200 – 135 pts
200-UP – 150 pts

SPECIALTY BONUS POINTS (# Of Cats = Bonus points)
26-35 = 3 pts
36-45 = 6 pts
46-55 = 10 pts
56-65 = 13 pts
66-75 = 19 pts
76-85 = 26 pts
86-95 = 36 pts
96-105 = 46 pts
106-115 = 52 pts
116-125 = 65 pts
126-UP = 75 pts