
RFCI Constitution


Article I

NAME: The name of this club shall be the Ragdoll Fanciers Club International.

Article II

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the Ragdoll Fanciers Club International shall be to promote
the interest of breeders, exhibitors and owners of Ragdoll cats and the welfare of all cats in
general always keeping in mind what is beneficial to the cat.

Article III

AMENDMENTS: This Constitution may be amended as provided for in Article XXIV of the By-Laws.

Article IV

DISBANDING: Should the Ragdoll Fanciers Club International disband, all assets remaining after the
Club’s obligations have been met shall be donated to a non-profit organization which shall be selected
by vote of the membership at the time of dissolution of the Club is enacted. Move to disband shall
be considered and voted upon by the membership in good standing. A simple majority shall carry the resolution.

Article V

RAGDOLLS: The Ragdoll is a blue-eyed, pointed cat exclusively.